Lessons from the mares
May 15 vlog
May 3 Horse Vlog – being not doing and agendas
- training, Boutique Arabian breeding Program, TTEAM & TTouch, conscious horsemanship, riding, Lessons from the mares
Horse vlog day 5 – contemplations
Horse vlog day 6 – big news!
Horse vlog day 4 – do my horses like me?
Horse vlog day 3 – wow! wild happenings
Horse vlog day 2 What’s the plan?
Horse vlog day 1 Why a year of the horse
- training, Boutique Arabian breeding Program, conscious horsemanship, Featured, Lessons from the mares
The fire, and starting fresh
A series about the training process, thoughts and feelings, and business planning behind our practical horse program at the farm. Our working model that was just launching last summer with promising results was unraveled when we had the fire. We…